Scheller´s Gingerbread
Ingredients: For the dough - 500 g honey, 250 g sugar, 250 g margarine,
1 kg flour, 40 g gingerbread spice, salt, 10 g potash,
10 g ammonium carbonate, 4 Tsp. rum
For decoration - powder sugar, cacao, coloured sprinkles and chocolate sprinkles, almonds, nuts, desiccated coconut or whatever you like
heat up honey, sugar and margarine |
combine sieved flour, salt and gingerbread spice |
dissolve potash and ammonium carbonate separately in always 2 Tsp. of rum |
combine the cooled off honey mixture with all remaining ingredients |
let the dough rest for 2-20 days at a cool place covered with a cloth before baking |
knead dough thoroughly again, roll out and cut out forms |
bake gingerbread at medium heat, spread on a white (mix of powder sugar and water) or brown glaze (mix of powder sugar, cacao and water) and decorate as you like |
Chicken Fajitas
(4 servings)
Ingredients: 4 pieces chicken breast, 2 cloves garlic, 4
2 big green peppers, 4 onions, 200 g crème fraiche
or sour cream, 200 g grated cheese,
oil, salt, pepper, 8 flour tortillas
marinade chicken
breast with chopped garlic in the juice of the limes for at least 1 hour
or even longer if possible |
cut peppers
into stripes and onions into rings |
roast chicken
breast briefly in hot oil, fry for 10 more minutes at lower heat |
fry onions and
peppers in hot oil in a second pan, onions should become slightly brown |
cut chicken
breast at an angle into stripes and serve with onions and peppers on a
hot dish |
moisten tortillas
and heat up in the oven or microwave, but watch out that the tortillas
remain soft |
fill tortillas
as you wish with chicken, peppers, onions, cheese, crème fraîche or sour
cream respectively, guacamole or a hot sauce and roll them up |
Cooked Meat Balls
Ingredients: 400 g ground meat, 1 roll, 2 eggs, 1 onion,
½-1 Tsp. mustard, salt, pepper, caraway, 40 g margarine,
40 g flour, lemon juice, chopped capers
soak roll and finely chop onion |
mix ground meat with mashed roll, 1 egg, onion, mustard, salt, pepper and some caraway |
form dumplings with the mixture and let them simmer in salted water for approx. 20 minutes; you can additionally add some vegetable broth to the water |
melt margarine in a pan, add the flour, stir and fill up with broth until it becomes a creamy sauce
stir egg into the sauce, season with salt, lemon juice and if you like with capers |
serve with rice or potatoes |
French Apple Cake
Ingredients: For the batter - 150 g butter, 4 eggs, 150 g sugar,
2 cl Calvados (apple liqueur), a pinch of salt, 150 g flour, ½ pck. baking powder
For the filling - 500 g apples, 1 Tsp. powder sugar, 1 pck. vanilla sugar
melt butter and let if cool off |
beat eggs, sugar, Calvados and salt until the mixture is foamy |
mix in the cooled off butter, baking powder and sieved flour |
peel apples and slice them, stir 400 g of them into the batter
place batter into a greased and with baking paper covered baking dish, spread the remaining apple slices onto the dough |
bake cake in the preheated oven at the lowest position for 50 - 55 minutes at 200°C, cover with aluminium foil after 20 minutes |
sprinkle cake with a mixture of powder sugar and vanilla sugar |
Pork Roulade with Ham-Basil-Filling
(4 servings)
Ingredients: 4 pork roulades, salt, pepper, 200 g cheese,
100 g ham, 1 bunch of basil, 2 cloves of garlic,
7 carrots, butter, 250 ml vegetable broth, 400 g spaghetti
season roulades with salt and pepper, cut ham into small pieces and spread them onto the meat |
grate cheese, wash basil and reserve some leaves, chop basil and garlic, peel carrots and grate two of them |
melt butter and fry the grated carrot with garlic and basil, place the mixture together with the cheese onto the meat |
roll up meat, clip with roulade needles and fry the roulades, add broth and let it stew for approx. 30 minutes, thicken the sauce a bit if necessary |
cook spaghetti in salted water, slice the remaining carrots and cook in salted water, turn in butter and season with pepper |
serve roulades with spaghetti and carrots, decorate with basil |
Strawberry Dream (Cake)
Ingredients: For the sponge - 4 egg yolk, 125 g sugar, 4 egg white,
a pinch of salt, 75 g flour, 50 g corn starch, ¼ tsp. baking powder
For the crème - 1 pck. pudding powder (vanilla), ½ l milk, ½ l cream,
3 pck. vanilla sugar
For the filling - 200 g jam (strawberry), 1 kg strawberries,
25 g chopped pistachios
beat 1 egg yolk with 4 Tsp. of warm water foamy, gradually add sugar |
beat egg white with salt, add to the egg yolk mixture |
combine flour, corn starch and baking powder, sieve onto the beaten egg white and stir |
bake for 30 minutes at 175°C |
cut dough once horizontally, spread the jam onto the lower part |
prepare pudding with ½ l milk |
beat cream with vanilla sugar, put to cool |
cut 2/3 of the washed strawberries into eights, slice the rest |
mix pudding with the beaten cream and the strawberry pieces with 1/3 of the creme |
spread the strawberry-cream-mixture onto the jam, cover with the upper part of the sponge |
spread the remaining crème onto the cake and around the rim |
sprinkle the cake rim with pistachios and the top with strawberry slices, put cake to cool |
Onion-Bacon-Pizza with Tuna
(16 pieces)
Ingredients: For the pizza dough - 375 g flour, 3 Tsp. olive oil, ¾ cube yeast,
190 ml lukewarm water, ¾ tsp. salt
For the topping - 1 kg onions, 250 g bacon,
4 Tsp. olive oil, salt, pepper, 1 can tuna in oil (210 g), 1/8 l milk,
125 g cream, 4 eggs, 1 bundle parsley, 100 g grated cheese
prepare pizza dough and let it rest for approx. 45 minutes |
cut onions into thin rings |
chop bacon into small pieces and fry shortly in a pan with oil |
add onion rings and fry while stirring for approx. 5 minutes, season with salt and pepper |
roll pizza dough onto a greased baking sheet, spread onion-bacon-mixture on it |
drain tuna, pick to pieces and spread on the tuna-bacon-mixture |
mix milk with cream, eggs and chopped parsley, season with salt and pepper and pour evenly over the topping |
finally sprinkle with cheese and bake for approx. 25-30 minutes in the preheated oven at 200°C |
Redcurrant Cake with Meringue Cover
(20 pieces)
Ingredients: 250 g butter, 100 g sugar, 1 pck. vanilla sugar,
salt, 1 egg, 250 g flour, 2 tsp. baking powder,
1 kg redcurrants, 3 eggs - just the egg white, 150 g sugar
mix butter with sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, 1 egg, flour and baking powder until the batter is smooth, spread onto a greased baking sheet |
wash redcurrants and spread over the batter |
bake at 175-200°C for approx. 25 minutes |
beat the 3 egg whites and mix in 150 g sugar |
spread the egg-white mixture over the cake and bake at 200-225°C for approx. 8 minutes |
Layer Salad - Summer Version
(8-10 servings)
Ingredients: 1 lettuce, 1 cucumber, 1 red pepper,
2 tomatoes, 1 stick leek or ½ onion,
150 g cooked ham, 150 g grated cheese, ½ can corn
Dressing: ½ glas low-fat mayonnaise, 1 cup cream, some milk,
vinegar, salad seasoning (Fix), oil, salt, pepper
Decoration: 4 hard-boild eggs, chopped chives
chop or cut all ingredients into small pieces and pile up layer by layer in a big salad bowl in the mentioned sequence |
prepare dressing and spread over the last layer of the salad |
cut eggs in quarters and place them together with the chopped chives on top |
let the salad rest over night |
(4 servings)
Ingredients: 150 g mushrooms, 1 red pepper, 2 Tsp. oil, 800 g gyros,
100 ml greek brandy (e.g. Metaxa) or alternatively vegetable broth,
2 Tsp. tomato paste, 100 g grated cheese
cut mushrooms in half and fry for about 3 minutes in hot oil, take them out of the pan |
cut pepper in medium pieces, fry gyros and pepper for approx. 8 minutes |
mix brandy or vegetable broth respectively with the tomato paste, add to the meat and bring to a boil |
place the mixture into an ovenproof dish, sprinkle with cheese and bake in the preheated oven at 200°C for about 10-15 minutes |
serve with round flat loaf or rice |
Curd Cheese-Tangerine-Cake
Ingredients: For the short pastry - 250 g flour, 1 egg, 100 g margarine,
100 g sugar, ½ pck. baking powder
For the filling - 1 can tangerines
For the curd cheese mixture - 4 egg yolk, 120 g sugar, 1 pck. vanilla sugar,
1 pck. vanilla pudding, ¼ l milk, 1 cup sweet cream, 500 g curd cheese
For the cover - 4 egg white, 125 g sugar
prepare short pastry from the ingredients and place pastry into a greased baking dish |
spread tangerines onto the pastry |
prepare curd cheese mixture and spread over the tangerines, bake at 175°C for approx. 45 - 60 minutes |
for the cover beat egg white with sugar, spread onto the half-baked cake and bake at 150°C for approx. 20 minutes |
Turkey Cutlet Gratin
(4 servings)
Ingredients: 3 large potatoes, salt, 750 g carrots, ½ bunch thyme,
4 turkey cutlets, pepper, paprika,
50 g grated cheese, 2 egg yolk, 30 g butter or margarine,
nutmeg, 1 bunch parsley
peel, wash and coarsly grate potatoes, cook for 5-10 minutes in salted water, place on paper towels |
peel carrots and coarsly grate one |
wash thyme and pick off leaves |
wash cutlets, dry them off with paper towels and fry them from both sides, season with salt, pepper and paprika |
combine potatoes, grated carrots, thyme, cheese and egg yolk and place that mixture onto the cutlets |
bake at 200°C for approx. 20 minutes |
slice the rest of the carrots, melt butter and stew carrots covered for 10 minutes, season with salt, pepper and nutmeg |
chop parsley and add to the carrots |
serve cutlets with the carrots and croquettes or savoury grated potato pieces |